Fully insulated Push-On Terminals


Fully insulated Push-On Terminals are commonly used for circuits that need to be quickly disconnected, gauges, etc.

We offer fully insulated Push-On Terminals in .250″ in packs of 10 in the following sizes:

  • 22-18 AWG
  • 16-14 AWG
  • 12-10 AWG

Please see notes below as it pertains to using these terminals for ISO Relays.



11/9/24 – If you intend to use the female terminals to attach wires directly to the .250″ terminals of any ISO Relay, be advised that the 20-18 AWG, and 16-14 AWG Females fit perfectly.  However, the 12-10 AWG Females are not the correct style – while they will fit perfectly, they won’t grab the terminal correctly.  Try as we may, we’re unable to find the very 12-10 AWG push-on connectors we relied on for decades for that purpose.  When using these as male / female quick-disconnects, they all work beautifully.


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